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AIRTHING has been licensing music for over a decade for media around the World. We represent today's best talent, labels, composers, publishers, sound designers, writer and producer that span the globe.

Our Team


Melanie deJonge

Melanie deJonge

Melanie is an Entrepreneur and Visionary. She has launched several successful Start Ups and been a force in the World of Entertainment for over a decade

Phil Williams

Phil has work at various labels including Sony, Warner Bros, and Universal. 

Sam Ray

As a software/ tech engineer, Sam has lent his talent to some of todays most reputable companies  including Google and Amazon.

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Jd Webb

Platinum Selling Songwriter, Award Winning Producer, Composer, Executive and Chart Topping Recording Artist, are just some of the accolades Jd is known for.

Cindy Chung

Cindy combines her love for music and tech background to bridge innovation and creativity.

Carol Ruiz

With a background in education and administration, Carol brings a wealth of knowledge to the team

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